May God bless you abundantly with good brew in 2024.
The final day of Christmas break is the perfect time for the first brew of the new year. This is a recipe from Mark Flynn at Littleport Brewery in Racine, WI. Fieldpointe Brewery thanks him for sharing.
Today’s endeavor is a solo event as the sickness bug has been going around and hitting people pretty hard. Mark and his wife have been wrestling with the garbage over break. This has shut down brewing at Fieldpointe South.Thankfully the Good Lord blessed me with good health this break. In fact, with the mild winter weather so far, I was able to get on the bike and record 175 miles during break. I’d have a few more miles logged but the first ride of 2024 on January 1 netted me the first flat of the new year. How ironic! A new tire / tube has been ordered so I should be back in business soon. The problem is that the school stuff gets in the way of getting rides in – that and the early afternoon darkness that is still present – although it will slowly recede as the month progresses.
A new addition to the propane system of Fieldpointe HQ (North) is a pump. I’ve grown accustomed to the built in pump of the electric system used at Fieldpointe South. Here it is in action for the first time.
It will basically serve two purposes: 1) Recirculate the mash (as seen above) and 2) Transfer the wort to the conical fermenter once it cools overnight. (I still use the no-chill method at Fieldpointe North. No negative outcomes yet and it saves time and water use.) This pump is super quiet! I have to listen intently to hear if it is running. This model comes with an on / off switch and the stainless steal connectors for the pump – including a ball valve to regulate flow. Since it is quick connect / disconnect, I had to upgrade the hardware on the kettles to match. It appears that I got it all correct (the ordering) on the first attempt! This is a great investment. I am appreciating it already.
Everything went well today. This is good – especially since it has been a while since propane brewing has taken place at Fieldpointe HQ. Still remember the procedure. Happy Day!
Here are the makings of Flynn’s Milk Stout:
- 6 lb 8 oz – 2 Row
- 8.6 oz – Amber Malt
- 8.6 oz – Brown Malt
- 8.6 oz – Kiln Coffee Malt
- 8.6 oz – Pale Chocolate Malt
- 8.6 oz – Roasted Barley
- 7.4 oz (not 8.6 ?) – Dark Crystal
- 1 oz – Northern Brewer @ 30 minutes
- Fermentis – SafAle K-97
- 8 oz – Malto-Dextrine @ 15 minutes
- 10 oz – Lactose (Milk Sugar) @ 15 minutes
Here’s to a Happy & Healthy 2024.