January 2022

Bourbon Barrel Porter

Today is Friday of Martin Luther King Jr (MLKJ) week so I better get some thoughts down before they totally evaporate from my mind. Monday seems so long ago already. I guess it must have been a busy 4 day work week. Thanks MLKJ for the special day and for what you did for all our Brothers and Sisters in Christ (BaSiC).

Yes, Monday, January 17 was Martin Luther King Jr Day (MLKJD) for us – and probably for you as well. This meant a day off from school and an opportunity to fire up the brew kettle for the annual mid-winter brew in the Blauert Basement Man Cave (BBMC) to commemorate the special day.

In keeping with the tradition, and the Black Is Beautiful (BIB) mantra, a dark beverage is always selected to be brewed on the Designated Day Of Appreciation (DDOA). Having a Second Flask of Bourbon and Oak Chips (SFoBaOC) on hand, the Bourbon Barrel Porter (BBP) was revisited as the Honorary Martin Luther King Jr Brew of the Day (HMLKJBotD).

As previously indicated, the brew session was held at the afore mentioned BBMC which brings me to the Dorothy Door Report (DDR). The DDR on file indicates that the Dorothy Doors (DD) were closed. However, this has not been verified by the Commission on Dorothy Door Observance and Report Status Committee (CoDDOaRSC). Perhaps the filing status paperwork has been held up do to COVID-19 (COVID-19) protocols involving the Metropolitan Meaningless Mask M&M Mandate Measure (MMMM&MM). I Don’t Know (IDK). I’m Not Sure (INS).

Anyway, the Brew Day (BD), Monday (M), was our BBMC MLKJ DDOA incorporating the SFoBaOC to be used in the BBP as the HMLKJBotD and the DDR was negative (to review).

Side Note (SN): Some People (SP) confuse MLKJ and Martin Luther (the Reformer) (ML(tR)) as being One in the Same Person (OitSP). This is an Erratum (E). Although both may have been Gregarious Persons (GP), they Lived in Different Eras and Were of Different Ethnic Backgrounds (LiDEaWoDEB). If it were ML(tR) Day (ML(tR)D), than a Totally Different Beer Would Have Been Selected for the Brew Session (TDBWHBSftBS).

To summarize: In the SN SP think MLKJ and ML(tR) as OitSP which is an E even though they could have been GP, they LiDEaWoDEB. A TDBWHBSftBS if it were ML(tR)D instead of MLKJD. Glad to Set the Record Strait on That (GtStRSoT).

OK, Enough of That (OKEoT). Let’s get on with the brew session notes. Mark and I were the only dedicated individuals who took the day seriously. The others were “leakers” who pretended to have “more important things to do” than to spend the day dedicated to the cause. Mark stocked his beloved beer fridge with beverages in line with the theme of the day. Another Side Note (ASN): Mark also had “lighter” selections for those who committed the afore mentioned identity faux pas. Sometimes he is the most thoughtful and understanding brew bud – sometimes. Actually, not quite that often. In fact, very rarely. Now giving it some thought, it must have been purely coincidental. Yes, it had to have been. That’s it.

Thanks Mark for the hospitality, the snacks, the meal, the beer and for hosting. It was a fun day. I am thankful that you have indoor plumbing. It was rather disappointing that no circuit breakers tripped as it would have been fitting. You know – lights out – dark – theme of the day?

Here are the makings of Bourbon Barrel Porter which originally was brewed and housed in an 8 gallon bourbon barrel from Washington state.. That barrel is still around but has been Designated as the Sour Barrel for the Rest of its Life (and Mine) DatSBftRoiL(aM).


  • 2 Row Pale Malt – 10 lb
  • Wheat Malt – 2 lb
  • Chocolate Malt – 1 lb
  • Crystal Malt (120°) – 1 lb
  • De-Bittered Black Malt – 1 lb


  • Chinook – 1 oz (60 min)
  • Kent Golding (UK) – 1 oz (15 min)


  • Fermentis Safale US-05


  • Oak Chips (Medium Toast) – 2 oz (Keg)
  • Bourbon – 4 oz (Keg)

Projected Stats

  • OG – 1.082
  • FG – 1.02
  • IBU – 42.8
  • SRM – 58.1°
  • ABV – 8.74%


  • This beer and the previous Russian Imperial Stout (RIS) will be in the keg (not the same one) with the oak and bourbon until next Fall / Winter.
  • This wort was racked onto the previous dregs of the RIS in the fermentor. Additional fresh yeast was added for insurance purposes.
  • MLKJ day music included “Southern” by Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark (OMD) followed by the Blues.
  • The “Leakers” missed out on Danny’s Meat Sticks (DMS) and Helen’s Pasta Extraordinaire (HPE).