September 2023

Belgian Quad

Labor Day was 16 days ago. I’ve labored so hard since then that it has taken until now to get this post up. I’m getting a bit slower as the age increases – inverse relationship going on there. It’s funny how time has sped up since the days of youth. Some claim time to be a constant but I respectfully disagree.

Labor Day was eagerly anticipated for four reasons: 1) Brewing 2) Grilling 3) FF Draft 4) Draught Draft. I’ll try to cover them in that order but no promises are being made. Sometimes I wander.

It was unanimously decided that Labor Day (FF Draft Day) is to be dedicated to the Belgians – a Belgian Quad specifically – as in – brewing one. Lucky for us, there happened to be a keg of a previous Belgian Quad brew on hand for the kick-off event. Who knew that a keg of BQ would come in so handy? So, the tradition is underway and the future will dictate as to whether these well intentioned plans come to fruition.

The BQ that was tapped was a traditional brew with nothing extra added and it is great. The Fieldpointe Brew Crew has produced both unaltered and adulterated versions. This version is going to be aged on bourbon soaked oak chips until next year’s festivities. It still is in the fermenter and should find the inside of a keg sometime in the near future.

To get the day underway, the now anticipated and expected Bloody Mary Bar was fully accessible. A recent addition to the Fieldpointe Brew Crew is Branden – of course on probation as we evaluate his worthiness (or unworthiness) to be a permanent member of the team. So far, so good. But let’s not get our hopes up too fast.

While the brew was underway, Mark was busy at the grill compiling another glorious batch of Blauertkraut. His reputation for this concoction has spread and so the masses were eager and waiting to scoop copious quantities of the delicacy on their plates and wash it all down with the plethora of adult beverages on hand. (More on this later.)

What makes Blauerkraut such a sensation is the addition of the secret ingredient – which is not going to be a such a secret in a moment. See if you can figure out what it is.

Did you figure it out? Hint: it is in a blue can with a crown on it. Yes! Hamm’s (or PBR – as it is debated) Because it is “The Beer Refreshing” it won the brewer’s choice award for the privilege of bathing the Blauertkraut. The Whos of Whoville would be jealous of such a fantastic feast.

Actually, what makes Blauertkraut even better is a fresh batch of Mark-B-Q sauce. That and Helen’s beer bread made for a fantastic meal.

BTW, the day’s weather was fantastic. How do I know? I know because of this:

As you can easily see (if your eyes are open) the Dorothy Doors were in full open status. This was a blessing for the patrons to easily access the basement beer fridge for the Keg of Quad.

The Belgian Quad recipe can probably be found elsewhere on this site. For the consideration of the reader, I will make it easy for you by re-listing the formulation here. How thoughtful!


  • 10 lb – Belgian Pils
  • 7 lb – Belgian Pale


  • 1 oz – Brewers Gold @ 60 minutes
  • 1 oz – Hallertau @ 30 minutes
  • 1 oz Styrian Goldings @ 15 minutes


  • 1 lb – Amber Candi Suger @ 15 minutes


  • Fermentis Safbrew BE-256

In all the excitement of gathering things for the event, I managed to forget the Candi sugar at home. Following the advice of Charlie Papazian I relaxed, did not worry and had a homebrew. The sugar was added to the fermentation two days later and all is assumed to be going well. I don’t think anyone will be commenting on this a year from now.

The brew session went well but bringing it down to fermentation temperature took a bit longer as the ground water this time of year is fairly warm. Here is the counterflow chiller in slow motion action.

While the slow transfer and cleanup was under way, the Staff Infection Fantasy Football Draft got underway upstairs. This guy managed to pick a team and get the dishes done down in the man cave. Two weeks into the football season my team is giving evidence that my full attention should have been directed elsewhere. I’m 0 and 2. Sadness and disappointment.

Following the FF Draft and completing before the mandatory 9 PM deadline was the Draught Draft. What is a Draught Draft? All FF participants were asked to bring a six pack of a beverage of choice which went into the major award – well most of it. (See a previous post on what the “major award” was.) The unit performed well but like a new puppy, left a puddle on the floor. Probably should have checked the drain plug before putting in the ice and beer. Oh well, it wasn’t my house.

Each participant, just like in the football draft, followed a snake draft for the draught (which really wasn’t draught because it was in bottles and cans.) {(The actual draught was the Belgian Quad and that wasn’t leaving the fridge other than in people’s beer glasses and tummies).} Everyone went home with a selection of draught to continue the draft celebration at home.

That about wraps up the event. I’m sure there are things that I am not remembering at this time 16 days out. That probably is a good thing as this has gone on long enough.

Good food, good beer, good friends, and a not so good FF team. I’ll take it.Thanks for hosting again Blauerts! Cheers!

By Jerry

I am a middle school math and science teacher who first stepped foot in the classroom in 1988. My first teaching experience was in Marinette, WI.
In addition, I started home brewing in 1998 and still enjoy the hobby - thus Fieldpointe Brewery.
I am also a licensed amateur radio operator - N0IMJ - and received my "ticket" in 1986 while attending college in MN.

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